Broken Branches offers open church services to our community along with program participants. We are a non-denominational church that believes in the wholeness of the bible and its teachings.

Our Beliefs
The Bible stands as the cornerstone of our faith, revered as the inspired and infallible Word of God. It serves not only as a guide but also as the ultimate authority shaping our conduct and convictions.
Central to our understanding is the concept of the Trinity, affirming the existence of one true God in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This triune nature reflects the depth and complexity of the divine being.
Our faith finds its focal point in Jesus Christ, whose existence spans from pre-incarnation to resurrection. We embrace His earthly ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection as pivotal events in human history, with the promise of His imminent return anchoring our hope.
The Holy Spirit, as active today as in the days of the apostles, continues to empower believers and manifest spiritual gifts within the Church. His presence serves as a guiding force in our lives and ministries.
Rooted in the biblical narrative of creation and fall, we affirm humanity's creation in the image of God and acknowledge the reality of sin's consequences as depicted in Genesis.
Salvation, we believe, is exclusively attained through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His atonement serves as the sole means by which humanity can be reconciled with God.
Water baptism symbolizes our commitment to Christ and obedience to His command. It marks the beginning of a new life in Him and signifies our identification with His death and resurrection.
Upon salvation, believers may receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, equipping them for service and empowering them to fulfill their roles within the Body of Christ.
We hold firm to the belief in divine healing, recognizing God's sovereignty in both supernatural and natural means of restoration. While acknowledging the efficacy of medical intervention, we affirm the possibility of miraculous healing through prayer and faith.
Worship, we believe, is the essence of our existence, ascribing glory to God and enjoying intimate communion with Him. Our worship encompasses every aspect of life, reflecting our devotion to Him.
The practice of laying on of hands serves multiple purposes within our faith community, including confirmation of ministry calls, impartation of spiritual gifts, and ministering healing to the sick.
The Church, as the body of Christ, exercises authority over the forces of darkness, standing firm in the victory won by Christ over sin and death.
Our understanding of the Church emphasizes its unity, comprising all genuine believers across diverse local congregations under the lordship of Jesus Christ.
We affirm the presence of a fivefold ministry—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers—commissioned by God for the equipping and edification of the Church, ensuring its growth and vitality.